This is my perspective...
I find it extremely difficult to put into words what I was experiencing that day. In every stage, during every movement and every split second my decisions came effortlessly, like I have done this thousands of times before; yet this was my very first time. I didn't recognize this person as I studied myself externally, looking in. A whole different animal. As I ran the trails, through mud, up and down hills and over obstacles, I was aware that there were people around me as I moved forward yet it felt like a movie, and they were extras fading into the background. I felt connected to everyone, and everything around me. Everyone's efforts were fueling me forward in a powerful way. I was in the moment, nothing else was occupying my mind except what was happening that exact moment. I had tapped into "Flow State" like I have never experienced before. It wasn't until I crossed the finish line of my very first Spartan Race did it occur to me how immense of a high this state had brought on.
The Race
As every Spartan Race begins, we were in the coral waiting for our heat to start. I could here from others around me discussions on reasons why they were not ready to start, based out of fear. This is where I tapped into my meditation practice to go internally. I blocked out what was going on around me and focused on positive self talk and all the reasons why I AM ready to start this race, because anything else would have me defeated before I even started. This was my time. This is what I have been preparing for and it was time to put myself to the test. Initially I had planned to run at the back of the pack and see where my comfort level was but it didn't take long before that would change and I would find my flow. The race began with an immediate uphill and me at the back. I quickly realized that this pace was not what I was use to in all my days of running and hill training. The other racers were going significantly slower. This is when I broke out from the back and began to pass the other racers one by one. It didn't take me long before I had passed the leader of our heat. I faintly heard a couple of volunteer racers I had worked with earlier, yell words of encouragement "Go Johnny!" I turned around at the top of the hill to look at the wave of racers coming up the hill. This would be the last time I would look back. I made my way through the course with a smile on my face, passing racers who where in the heat before mine, feeding off their individual efforts as they were my own; all the competitors for what ever reasons or motivations, decided they wanted to overcome these obstacles on this day. I was given high fives as I completed obstacles and ran past these extras in my reality, as they made their way to the finish line. I would jump the last fiery obstacle to claim my medal at the finish line.
The immense high I felt during, and even after the race, was unbelievable. My body was producing all the effects of taking the best drugs, but in a natural manner that had me buzzing for hours after. It is documented that people will go to great lengths to achieve this natural high again and again, which has people pushing the realms of what is possible. This has me wondering?..what will my next race be? The stakes will have to be higher I would imagine. So my options are to enter a Spartan Super or Beast. Maybe even and adventure race. Will this be a slippery slope turning me into an addict trying to get my "Flow" fix? I don't think so, as long as I am aware, I feel that I will have a grasp on it. Only time will tell.
My hopes is that this story may encourage you to step out of your comfort zone. Sign up for a Spartan Race or any other obstacle course race.Tap into your "Flow" and see where myself, and others are coming from when they try to put into words the incredible feeling that comes over you. I assure you, it is very real.
“When risk is a challenge, fear becomes a compass—literally pointing people in the direction they need to go next”
― Steven Kotler, The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance
Post Race Victory Pose |
My Inspiration for Running the Race |
Books on "Flow State":
1) "The Rise of Superman"- Steven Kotler
2) "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience"- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
This is also a short video created by Jason Silva from his YouTube series "Shots of Awe" on the state of "Flow":
Here is a "Ted Talk" video by Jamie Wheal discussing the genome and his project surronding the state of flow:
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